Explorer status
Explorer Current Wallet Version | v3.5.8.1-g-research |
Highest Wallet Version in Blockchain | |
Highest Wallet Version from Connected Peers | |
Protocol Version | 180321 |
Chain Sync Type | RPC Calls to SQL tables |
Sync Status | |
Sync Progress | |
Blockchain Height | 714,686 |
Peer Height Min | blocks |
Peer Height Max | blocks |
Estimated Blocks to Full Confirm | blocks |
Connections to Peers | 40 |
Proof-of_Research Difficulty | 10.4401 |
Total Coins Created | 382,193,433.9663 |
getinfo table last update | 1 minutes |
magnitude table last update | 24,631,168 minutes |
network table last update | 186 minutes |
projects table last update | 186 minutes |
getpeerinfo table last update | 186 minutes |
blockchain table last update | 1 minutes |
transactions table last update | 0 minutes |