Coins in Circulation


Blocks in Chain


PoR Difficulty


Explorer status

Explorer Current Wallet Versionv3.5.8.1-g-research
Highest Wallet Version in Blockchain
Highest Wallet Version from Connected Peers
Protocol Version 180321
Chain Sync TypeRPC Calls to SQL tables
Sync Status
Sync Progress
Blockchain Height714,686
Peer Height Minblocks
Peer Height Maxblocks
Estimated Blocks to Full Confirm blocks
Connections to Peers 40
Proof-of_Research Difficulty 10.4401
Total Coins Created 382,193,433.9663
getinfo table last update 1 minutes
magnitude table last update 24,631,168 minutes
network table last update 186 minutes
projects table last update 186 minutes
getpeerinfo table last update 186 minutes
blockchain table last update 1 minutes
transactions table last update 0 minutes